Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

Buddy Ministry

As our church continues to grow, the needs of our attenders continue to grow. We want to be prepared to meet each person's specific needs so that there are no barriers between that person and the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the focus of BCC's Buddy Ministry. Consider the scene where a family comes to visit Bethany, and they have a child who is developmentally delayed, an adult who uses a wheelchair, or a child with another unique need. What will they find at Bethany to help them be a part of this church, not only on Sundays, but throughout the week? How can we make sure their family member with special needs is cared for in the unique way they need? The goal of the Buddy Ministry is to glorify God by showing the love of Christ to these people who are special (or unique) by serving them and their families.

Get Involved
Consider being a full-time Buddy by volunteering during Sunday School, Worship Service, or on Wednesday nights. Also, consider helping provide respite care for families in the Buddy Program.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for our attenders with Buddies. Pray that the Buddies would help biblical truth and grace be clearly heard by the person in which they are caring.

Please pray for the families at BCC in the Buddy Ministry. Pray that the ministry will help with the needs they have, and that the families can find encouragement and refreshment at BCC.

Please pray for this ministry as it adds a respite aspect to it. Pray for BCC families willing to help provide respite for date nights and other activities.

“I love being a buddy to her. She is a precious friend to me. I believe we have  learned a great deal from each other and have grown in our love for Jesus.”

“Psalm 68:19 says, ‘Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burdens.’ The Lord helps us bear our daughter’s burden daily and the buddies in the Buddy Program help bear our burden weekly by spending time with her and allowing us to worship as a couple."

“It is a joy to participate in the Buddy Program. It brings tears to my eyes as I watch God work in the child’s life and in my life.”

“Our daughter cannot speak descriptively about her experiences and needs.  The Buddy Program has given our family the ability to worship and grow in the Lord, knowing that she is taken care of and has someone to speak for her needs on our behalf, and most importantly, that she is learning the Gospel through being able to experience church.”

“We see the potential that this program will help both of us be able to come to church and focus on the preaching, teaching and fellowship with other believers. Our hope with the buddy program is it will provide an hour or two a week that we can focus and be involved in services."

If you have a heart for people with special needs and would like to see God glorified by serving them and their families, or if you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ben or Marsha Koehler. 


Ben Davidson
Phone: 309-508-1755
Role: Associate Pastor

Marsha Koehler
Role: Buddy Ministry Coordinator
