Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

Martha Hangartner - Communications and Design Coordinator

Martha began working at Bethany Community Church in 2024 as a Communications and Design Coordinator.  She graduated from Washburn University in 2001 with an associate degree in Health Information Management and worked as an Inpatient Coder at OSF St. Francis before staying home with her family.  Martha lives in Washington with her husband Grant, whom she married in 2004.  They have three boys; Brodie, Crew, and Damon.

Ministry close to your heart?
I love serving in our Bethany Kids ministry as well as at Vacation Bible Camp.  I've also enjoyed being a part of our Volleyball Outreach ministry and the Volleyball Camp for Kids we host at BCC every July!

Finish this sentence: If I have a free afternoon, I can probably be found...
working on a home project, baking, or spending time with my family.

What is a Scripture verse that is meaningful to you?
Lamentations 3:22-23 "The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

Song: "Is He Worthy" by Andrew Peterson
Sport: I enjoy playing volleyball and watching football
Restaurant: Culver's
Ice Cream: Coffee flavored

Martha Hangartner
