Introduction to Hermeneutics | |||||
Are you looking for a way to advance your understanding of how to study God’s Word while sheltering in place? On Monday nights, beginning April 27, Daniel is going to be teaching a class entitled “Introduction to Hermeneutics.” This class is being taught in conjunction with Spurgeon College and Midwestern Seminary and can be taken for personal development or potential seminary credit at no cost! “Introduction to Hermeneutics” is open for anyone high school age or older. For those who are interested in taking the class, there are several options: Observe the Class:Join us from 6:00-7:00PM on Monday evenings whenever you are available. The first hour of the lecture is perfect for those with limited time will introduce a topic related to hermeneutics and sometimes walk through a passage, illustrating its practical application. You’re welcome to stay for the entire class but there are no expectations. Suggested reading: 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible, by Robert Plummer. Participate in the Class for Personal Development: Join us from 6:00-8:30 on Monday evenings and follow a simplified syllabus. Students will (1) read either 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible, by Robert L. Plummer, or The Hermeneutical Spiral, by Grant R. Osborne, (2) write a paper, and (3) participate in class discussions. Participate in the Class for Course Credit. Join us from 6:00-8:30 PM on Monday evenings and follow a syllabus developed in conjunction with Spurgeon College and Midwestern Seminary. In the course, you will read several books, write several papers, and give a short presentation to the class. Credit from this course may be used toward a theological certificate, undergraduate credit, or advanced standing at Midwestern Seminary. The primary textbooks will be The Hermeneutical Spiral, by Grant R. Osborne and Exegetical Fallacies, by D.A. Carson. The class will be taught via Zoom (initially) and continue through August 23. The plans are to eventually meet in person if and when the “shelter in place” is lifted or lightened. If those changes occur, the class will meet at the BCC campus. To register for the class or for more information and copy of syllabi, email