Volunteer for Saturday Clean Up Days - Sign up here.
The clouds are painted, the front entrance is going in, and cabinets in the Fireside room! The EIFS guys are loving the weather today as they install their product above the brick.
Casework going in, more paint in the lobby, clouds are ready for paint, and more ceiling grid installed!
Cloud ceiling framing is complete and drywall is close behind. Our first delivery of casework arrived as well. The rooms in the existing building are painted and the ceilings are put back together!
More cloud framing and drywall in the Worship Room last week. HVAC equipment cleared out of the lobby and up to the mezzanine! More paint in the Lobby!
The HVAC equipment arrived last week! More cloud framing and lots of paint in the lobby!
Masons laid the last brick last week. The drywall is hung in the existing building as well! Fireside Room is framed and started on clouds in Worship Room!
The masons are almost done laying bricks! Lots of paint on walls and ceilings this week as well. The worship room lights are on and it’s looking so good in there! In case you missed it, go to our Facebook live video from yesterday and see a 25 minute tour with Ben and Casey Davidson.
Since the video was finished last week, the auditorium paint progressed quickly!
Masons turned the corner to the front elevation! We started demolition work on the renovations to our current building as well. The painters have been here all week priming the entire addition and painting the auditorium.
Drywall is finished in our large meeting room and paint is starting this morning. Lobby drywall is well under way, and stage lighting infrastructure is going in on the ceiling. So thankful!
We are so thankful that construction can continue at this point! Lots of drywall mud, duct work, electrical conduit, and masonry done last week!
Started hanging some spiral duct. Lots more drywall and brick last week.
Great week on site last week! Another section of brick complete! Lots of ongoing plumbing, electrical, and HVAC rough ins! And our first load of drywall came!
Lots of drywall and insulation installed last week. More windows in the corner. The natural light coming into the lobby is incredible. A huge load of spiral duct came for the open ceiling areas. Glory to God!
Oops! This update from last week is a little late, but a lot more brick and interior walls going up! All the clerestory windows went in last week, too!
Last week, the first section of brick was unveiled. The second section is underway! Also, we started framing the radius wall that separates the lobby and the auditorium. Framing was installed for the window feature in the southwest corner of the lobby.
We are posting this weekly building update a little early this time to remind you to join us tomorrow, Sunday 2/9, at 5:30PM before Sunday Night Service for a quick tour of the new addition. Your household will have a chance to write a verse or prayer on the beams of the church! ... It’s been an exciting week! The masons starting laying bricks on the north wall. The carpenters just finished putting up the last piece of Tyvek. Inside, we have ductwork, plumbing, sprinkler pipe, and electrical going in!
We have a roof! Otherwise, lots of Tyvek this week and some interior roof drain piping, sprinkler piping, and duct work!
Despite a muddy start and a frozen end last week, we continued to make progress on the building addition. We largely completed wall framing at the classroom and mezzanine area, completed sheeting the south elevation and continued framing on the west, and began installing windows at the classroom area.
More exterior framing, sheeting, and building wrap this week! Also some more interior framing!
Lots more exterior framing and sheeting this week! Got started on some interior walls yesterday as well!
We are loving the weather. Pouring the last concrete and finished putting the roof deck down!
We’ve had some brave men working in the cold this week. The mechanical mezzanine is ready for concrete. The geothermal field is installed and getting flushed today!
More walls going up and lots of welding and steel detailing this week!
This week, the roof joists are almost all in place. Carpenters got started with classroom walls as well. Continue to pray for safety for the workers and for God to be glorified in our ministry to them.
Exciting week on site again! Iron workers are flying lots of steel into place.
Exciting day on site! 4 truckloads of steel delivered and unloaded this morning. We are hoping to see some upright today, but still unsure. They are still “shaking it out” aka organizing all the columns and beams.
Finished drilling the geothermal wells on Wednesday and poured the auditorium floor this morning!
Not the week of work we had hoped for onsite at the building project, but we trust in His sovereignty, wisdom, and love! First snow on Oct 31 in 100 years in the Peoria area! Hoped to pour the auditorium sloped floor this week but alas...
Geothermal wells being dug this week and lots of concrete poured! All but the sloped floor and a spot for the crane to place steel.
Thankful for a sunny day and very excited for the first concrete slab pour!
We got rained out today, but lots of great progress this week on plumbing and electrical underground, as well as grading the building pad!
Foundation walls are complete! Underground plumbing has begun!
The rain slowed us down a little, but some more footings and piers were poured and the stage wall was formed!
Footings for the stage wall were dug this week! Thanks to BCCer and site superintendent, Seth Braker, for the drone pics posted to our social media. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Finished removing foundation forms and have been moving lots of dirt! The workers have also been backfilling the foundation walls and filling the interior.
Foundation perimeter walls were all formed as of yesterday. The concrete pump truck put 10 loads of concrete in them! Want to encourage the workers? Go here: www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0544aead2fa0f85-opportunities
The footings are poured. Look closely at the pictures on our social media, and you can see concrete wall forms placed on top of the footings so more concrete can be added. Pray for the steel to show up on time so progress can continue!
Construction continues as footings are being dug this week! Please pray for the safety of the workers, and pray for the building committee as decisions are being made for the interior of the building.
Please pray for our partners as we are working with them to bid out the building addition project in two parts. The first part (the main focus right now) includes anything that helps us get the structure up and closed in before winter. Think concrete, steel, brick, etc. The second part (the secondary focus right now) includes anything we do on the inside once closed in. Think carpet, drywall, paint, etc. We are so thankful for what it seems God is preparing us for as we proclaim and prepare!
Thank you for your generous giving to the building project! Your enthusiastic response has been an encouragement to the building committee and the elders as they have processed the next steps. On Sunday, June 2, we held a congregational vote to confirm the ability to move forward with the entirety of the project. Of course we have already voted toward putting significant dollars to the addition, but Sunday's vote was asking to confirm for the building committee and elders the ability to move forward with a not to exceed $6.2m project as outlined at the 20/20 Vision Banquet and at the Care Group Informational Meetings. If the project would grow beyond that, we would come back to the congregation for approval. The monies approved so far are included in the 6.2M. We are grateful to report that the church unanimously agreed to move forward! We are thankful! We have tentatively planned for a Sunday, August 4 ground breaking at 6pm.
Thank you for your incredible generosity! Our building campaign raised over $1.8 million dollars, and we are excited to be moving forward. At our Sunday Night Family Meeting on June 2, we will be voting to move forward with our building project. Lord willing, we could be worshipping at our campus on Sunday mornings next fall! Please continue to pray for God's wisdom and provision.
To watch the update by Pastor Daniel given during our Sunday, May 12 service, click here and type in the password sent out on Tuesday, May 14 to the congregation on the churchwide weekly email.
Dear BCC Family,
We have received pledge cards from about 2/3 of our regular givers and we are over 85% of the way toward our pledge goal! To those who turned in a pledge card, we want to say thank you! Your generosity is so encouraging.
Knowing your giving intentions is incredibly helpful as the elders consider the results of the campaign and prepare to recommend a path forward to the congregation. If you have not had a chance to turn in a card yet, it’s not too late. Pledges received in the next few days will be taken into account as we prepare our recommendations for the congregation. You can either fill out a paper card and mail it in or complete the pledge form online HERE.
We look forward to sharing the final results of the campaign and our recommendations for moving forward soon.
BCC Elders
April is quickly coming to a close and this Sunday, April 28, is the day for pledge cards for the building ministry to be turned in. These pledge cards will be instrumental in helping our leaders discern the best path forward for our future building. We view these pledge cards as a statement of intentions, by God's grace and as He provides, to give us direction in planning.
If you have not turned in your card yet, please consider doing so this Sunday, put it in the mail yet this week, or submit your pledge by clicking HERE.
Did you miss the banquet? Or would like to see the presentation again? Click HERE to watch the video and use the password sent to the churchwide email list. If you did not receive the password, contact Diane at 508-1755 or email her at diane@bethanycommunitychurch.org.
Do you have questions? Join a care group this Sunday for an opportunity to hear more and ask questions. Click HERE for a list of groups meeting this Sunday. If you cannot attend a group, click HERE to submit a building question online.
Thank you for praying and considering your pledge!
Older Updates:
To view the Building Campaign presentation video: click HERE and use the password sent to your email. If you did not receive the email, contact the office.
Check out the displays at Five Points on Sunday or the church building all week long. The banquet brochure is available at each display. Also, sign up for an informational meeting to learn more.
20/20 Vision Informational Meeting with a Care Group sign ups are HERE.
Got a question about the campaign? Click HERE to submit your question.
FInancial Update:
More here soon!
Prayer & Praise:
...that Bethany Community would be faithful in its witness to all the different parties involved, including architects, contractors, neighbors, etc.
...that our church will remain committed to our purpose in the midst of the building campaign and beyond - to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him forever.
...that our church will continue to make wise and faith-filled decisions as we move forward.
...for the building committee, elders, our design/build partners, and our church to be in one accord.
...for God's provision and our trust as we seek to fund a building
Building Committee members are Julie Ahlgren, Mike Wuebben, Ben Davidson, John Koehler, Paul Markas, Zack Birky, Mark DeJarnatt, Diane Geurin, and Jill Sutter. Thank you again for your continued faithful prayers, giving and support.
Your Building Committee