Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

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Gospel Foundations

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Audio Sermons In Series 'Gospel Foundations' (93 Files Found)

Ten Words Part 1: Love the Lord Your God - Exodus 20 (Daniel Bennett) (1/15/2017)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Christian and the Old Covenant Part 4 - 1 Corinthians 9 (Daniel Bennett) (1/8/2017)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Christian and the Old Covenant Part 3 - Exodus 19 (Daniel Bennet) (12/18/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Christian and the Old Covenant Part 2 - Exodus 19:1-6 (Daniel Bennett) (12/11/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Christian and the Old Covenant Part 1 - Exodus 19:1-6 (Daniel Bennett) (12/4/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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Shared Leadership and the Glory of God Part 2 - Exodus 18 (Daniel Bennett) (11/27/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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Shared Leadership and the Glory of God Part 1 - Exodus 18 (Daniel Bennett) (11/20/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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How Grumbling Betrays My Unbelief - Exodus 15:22-17:16 (Daniel Bennett) (11/13/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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How God Prepares Worshippers - Exodus 13:17-15:21 (Daniel Bennett) (11/6/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Meaning of the Passover Part 2 - Exodus 11:1-13:16 (Daniel Bennett) (10/16/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Meaning of the Passover Part 1 - Exodus 11:1-13:16 (Daniel Bennett) (10/9/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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How God's Judgment Fulfills His Plan to Glorify His Name Part 2 - Ex. 6:14-10 (Daniel Bennett) (10/2/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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How God's Judgment Fulfills His Plan to Glorify His Name Part 1 - Exodus 6:14-10:29 (D. Bennett) (9/25/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Challenges of Spiritual Shepherding - Exodus 2:1-6:12 (Daniel Bennett) (9/4/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Challenges of Spiritual Shepherding - Exodus 2:1-6:12 (Daniel Bennett) (9/2/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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