Sunday Worship Service at 10:30am

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The Meaning of the Passover Part 1 - Exodus 11:1-13:16 (Daniel Bennett) (10/9/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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How God's Judgment Fulfills His Plan to Glorify His Name Part 2 - Ex. 6:14-10 (Daniel Bennett) (10/2/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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How God's Judgment Fulfills His Plan to Glorify His Name Part 1 - Exodus 6:14-10:29 (D. Bennett) (9/25/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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What Are You Looking For - Colossians 2:16-23 (Ben Davidson) (9/18/2016)

Series:  Non-Series Messages

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Spirit-Filled Martyrdom - Acts 7:54-8:3 (Art Georges) (9/11/2016)

Series:  Non-Series Messages

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The Challenges of Spiritual Shepherding - Exodus 2:1-6:12 (Daniel Bennett) (9/4/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Challenges of Spiritual Shepherding - Exodus 2:1-6:12 (Daniel Bennett) (9/2/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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When Kingdoms Collide - Exodus 1 (Daniel Bennett) (8/28/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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The Lion of Judah - Genesis 49:8-12 (Daniel Bennett) (8/21/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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Forgiveness and the Redeemer - Genesis 45:1-15 (Daniel Bennett) (8/14/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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Repentance and the Redeemer - Genesis 42-44 (Daniel Bennett) (8/7/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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Revelation of a Redeemer Part 2 Genesis 40-41 (Daniel Bennett) (7/31/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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Revelation of a Redeemer - Genesis 40-41 (Daniel Bennett) (7/24/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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Righteousness of a Redeemer - Genesis 39 (Daniel Bennett) (7/17/2016)

Series:  Gospel Foundations

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When Life's the Pits - Psalm 130 (Doug Van Meter) (7/10/2016)

Series:  Non-Series Messages

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